
The Three Jewels
  1. Buddha (the Awakened One) 
  2. Dharma (Buddha's teachings) 
  3. Sangha (the practice, and community of practice) 

Four Noble Truths
  1. There is suffering (dukkha) 
  2. There is a cause of suffering (grasping, craving illusion - trishna) 
  3. There is an end to suffering (nirvana) 
  4. There is a path to the end of suffering (maggha)

Eight-fold Path
  1. Right View or Understanding 
  2. Right Thought or Intention 
  3. Right Speech 
  4. Right Action or Conduct 
  5. Right Livelihood 
  6. Right Effort or Diligence 
  7. Right Concentration 
  8. Right Mindfulness or Awareness

Eight-fold path breaks down into three divisions 1. wisdom or prajna, right view and right thought 2. ethical conduct or sila, right speech, right action, and right livelihood 3. meditation or samadhi, right effort, right concentration, and right mindfulness

The Precepts
  1. No killing 
  2. No stealing 
  3. No lying 
  4. No intoxicants 
  5. No sexual abuse 
Karma - action, seen as bringing upon oneself inevitable results, good or bad, either in this life or in a reincarnation

The Three Poisons
  1. Ignorance 
  2. Greed 
  3. Ill will 
The Three Marks of Existence
  1. Impermanence (annica)] 
  2. Separate self (anatman) 
  3. Dukkha / nirvana

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